Sorell School
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43 Gordon Street
Sorell TAS 7172

Phone: 03 6269 1100

School Satisfaction Survey 2022

Dear Families,

Every year the Department of Education conducts School Satisfaction Surveys to find out what your child(ren)'s school does well and where it may improve. Your feedback is very important to help us inform our school improvement planning and decision-making.

If you have not had the opportunity to complete the survey about Sorell School yet, it is open until Friday 23 September 2022 and should take about 5 minutes of your time.

Each family should nominate one person to fill in this survey for their child(ren).

Take the online survey by clicking this link or pasting it in your browser:

The survey is carried out on a secure website and all responses are anonymous and confidential.

All families in this school received the same survey link and no identifying information is collected. A summary of the survey results will be provided to schools. Responses from individuals or small groups will NOT be disclosed to any Department of Education staff.

Please contact your Sorell School if you require any assistance.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey.

Message from the Deputy Secretary Learning - Update: COVID-19 - 16 March 2020 - Message for Parents

Sorell School
Ph: 03 6269 1100

Message from the Deputy Secretary Learning - Update: COVID-19 -16 March 2020 - Message for Parents

Dear Parents,

I am writing to you after receiving advice from the Minister of Education last night.
At this time the best advice we have from Public Health officials is that continuing to keep schools open, whilst exercising good hygiene practices, is appropriate.
For this reason, schools will remain open for as long as it is safe.
To remain as safe as possible, and for the safety of the broader community, particularly those who are vulnerable, there are a number of measures that we need to now put in place to ensure this.
Cancellation of gatherings:
As a precautionary measure to reduce exposure the following activities will be cancelled:
All assemblies for at least Term 1 are cancelled.
All excursions and camps for at least the rest of Term 1 are cancelled.
Face to face parent/teacher meetings are cancelled (meeting may take place over the phone)
All sport carnivals for at least Term 1 are cancelled.
This reflects advice that limiting occasions on which a number of people, larger than a class group, come together and are in close proximity to one another, lowers the chances of spreading the virus.
The restriction on these activities will be in place until further notice.
Supporting good hygiene practices:
• To protect ourselves and each other, the best thing we can do is to make sure we are regularly washing our hands and refraining from touching our mouths and faces. Practising these simple steps can reduce the spread of illness by up to 80%.
• We will be adopting strict hand washing protocols.
• Students and staff will also be encouraged to limit personal contact and use their elbow to cover their nose and mouth when they sneeze.
• Hard surfaces in classrooms, such as door handles, keyboards and desks will be regularly wiped down.
As we have already seen across the world, this situation is likely to continue for some time and is constantly evolving.
A fact Sheet has been developed to assist you with having conversations with your child around Coronavirus. This is also attached to this email.
Further Information:
The Department is continuing to provide up to date information for parents on the situation as it evolves. I suggest you follow the Departments Facebook page - as well as the Alerts website page –
For the latest advice, information and resources about coronavirus go to the Australian Government Department of Health website at and follow the link from the homepage.
We understand that children may have questions about COVID-19.
Please see the fact sheet below to help talk to your child/ren.
For general information about coronavirus, including the national response, call the National Coronavirus Information Line on 1800 020 080.

Jenny Cowling

Secondary Presentation Evening

I am writing to warmly invite you to our Presentation Evening.

The Sorell School Secondary Presentation Evening is a student centred and community focused event with prize giving to recognise achievements from grades 6-12.

The evening is one of celebration, to show pride in our school and gratitude towards our community.

Venue:        Sorell Memorial Hall

Time:          7 pm to 9 pm

Date:           Tuesday 17th December.

Hosts:         Grade 10 student leaders

Attendees: All teaching staff (smart casual attire please)

All secondary students receiving an award (in full uniform)

Parents, family, friends and community members.

Ushers:       Middle school student leaders – full school uniform – arrive between 6/6:30pm enter from side door (supper room)

Please join us for light refreshments in the supper room

after the prizes have been awarded.

For more information please contact the secondary office on 62 691100 



Andy Bennett

Thursday 19th Dec, 3pm finish

3pm finish Thursday 19th Dec

Dear Parents/guardians,

The last day for students is Thursday the 19th December.

The school day will conclude at 3pm and the bus services will run in accordance with this time frame. 

Andy Bennett

Parent Info Session - this Monday!

A reminder that our secondary parent information session is being held this coming Monday the 18th November from 5-6pm in the PAC.

Parent Information Session Nov 18th

*This coming Monday*

Secondary Campus Information Session

Monday 18th November 2019

5pm – 6pm

Sorell School Performing Arts Centre (PAC)

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Sorell School warmly invites new and prospective students and parents/guardians to attend the 2019 Secondary Campus Information Session.

The following important information will be covered:

  • Sorell School Vision
  • Curriculum (incl. Year 11 & 12)
  • School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
  • Alternative Education programs
  • New School build
  • School tours

Please confirm your attendance by contacting Sorell School on:

(03) 6269 1100 or via email at


Nick de Tarczynski

Assistant Principal – Middle School

correction - PT interview July not June

 CORRECTION - Parent/Teacher Interviews held in July not June. 

Apologies for the previous message should have read:

Monday 1st July 2019 3:10pm – 5pm

Tuesday 2nd July 2019 3:10pm – 6pm

Wednesday 3rd July 2019 3:10pm – 5pm

Thursday 4th July 2019 3:10pm – 5pm

Not JUNE as previously stated.

Andy Bennett

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews

Dear Parent/Guardian,

During the last week of this term, Parent Teacher Interviews we be held on the Primary and Secondary campuses at Sorell School.

We have made the decision to align both campuses so as to maximise the efficiency of the interview process for parents/guardians of students on both campuses. Please note Kindergarten interviews were held last week. 

The dates and times for the interviews are as follows:

Monday 1st June 2019 3:10pm – 5pm

Tuesday 2nd June 2019 3:10pm – 6pm

Wednesday 3rd June 2019 3:10pm – 5pm

Thursday 4th June 2019 3:10pm – 5pm

To book an appointment with your child’s teacher/s, please visit the following web address and enter in the event code uj8ce.

Conversely, please visit the Sorell School SchoolZine App and follow the stated directions.

We look forward to seeing you at the interviews to discuss the progress of your child/children.


Andy Bennett

Naplan 2019

Dear Parents,


Further to information sent last term; Grades 3, 5, 7 & 9 students at Sorell School will be undertaking NAPLAN testing next week. For the first time, students will be taking online tests for Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. The testing period runs from Tuesday 14th May to Friday 24th May. Please contact Mr. Trent Sproule or Ms. Teresa Spinks for queries relating to the Primary School or Mr. Nick de Tarczynski for information regarding the Secondary School.


Stop Work Action - Wednesday 3 April